They also asked us to tell about one of our favorite fabric projects. Again, chocolate or ice cream. But, I guess this one is near the top of my list.
One of my favorite recent projects was a patchwork Scottie dog. We have a local group called PawPals. We have been working for several years to raise money to build an animal shelter for our county. Currently, one town has a pathetic, sorry excuse for a shelter, but even it is available only for residents in that town. Everyone else is on their own. Well, anyway, I could write an entire blog on this subject, but that isn't my purpose here.
What I started to say was that each year, we have a huge rummage sale to raise money for our building. This year, we raised over $19,000 in two days, selling other people's cast offs.

This is only half of the room at the 2008 sale-each one of those vases, and mugs, and pans, and dust catchers had to be priced, and we had 5 days to do it all, working with an average of half a dozen volunteers each day. A lovely lady named Marilyn was in charge of all of this, and she worked herself to a frazzle organizing this event.
As a thank you for her work, I made this patchwork Scottie dog for her. I love making patchwork animals. My fabric stash is full of little pieces of fabric no more than 2" wide. I'm always looking for more fabric and more patchwork ideas.

This pattern is an old, old toy pattern. I had one when I was a child, and I would guess that my grandmother probably had one when she was a child. But it still makes a lovely pillow or toy. Since this was for an adult, I used button eyes, but when I make one for a child, I embroider the eyes.
Do you remember having any patchwork toys when you were a child?