Thursday, October 15, 2009

For the dogs...

Warning--this is a teeny bit of a soapbox and a bit of a tear-jerker video if you love animals.

In my county, we have no animal shelter. Sure my town, and, I think one other, have a little bitty shelter, but they are basically holding pens until "the three days are up." If you know what I mean.

We have a group here called Hill County PawPals. Our goal is to raise the money to build a shelter. We had hoped to have the county join us to run it if we built and donated the building. That's a bit dicey right now, and I honestly don't know how that will turn out.

For the time being, one of our volunteers works with the local Animal control officer when he has an adoptable dog. She runs ads, begs for foster homes, and does her level best to keep him from being put down. She has a lot of helpers in this. It's a great organization, and I tip my hat to them regularly.

Anyway, as a fund raiser, they made a calendar with sponsors for each month, featuring that sponsor's dogs. They posted the video this morning, and it is so wonderful.

If you love dogs, check out these cuties!!

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