Saturday, May 23, 2009

Welcome to the new Wren's Crossing

Some of you may have reached this page expecting to find the old home page, with links to all of the BookCrossing related information.

Never fear, the information is still there, and except for the map page, the links are still the same. Since I loaned most of my faqs to the BookCrossing faq page, I'm finding that fewer people are visiting me here. So, I'm in the process of re-doing the site, starting with a new blog. The blog will be mostly crafts, with some BookCrossing and anything else that crosses my mind. I hope that you will visit often, bookmark it, and join me in this expanded site.

The link to the new map page, which includes all of the old pages, can be found here. You might want to change your bookmarks.


  1. I love the new layout- I know you were complaining about the WP themes, but this one's really pretty!

  2. Thank you. It's a work in progress, but it's a good start!
